Thursday, May 20, 2010

Get in here - Charlottesville, Virginia 

Back in March, I posted a picture of Pit's Top Barbeque taken in the Spring of 2008. A reader--actually it was my sister--asked if I had eaten there. For anyone in my family looking at a picture of an eating place, that question comes naturally.

I haven't eaten there, but I was curious to see if it was still in business so I stopped by a couple of weeks ago. Pit's Top is still there and looks about the same. As I walked up the sidewalk I saw the handwritten sign leaning against a paperbox: "GET IN HERE EAT BAR-BE-Q." It is a compelling sign, but I had already eaten, and besides, I had to get back to work.


  1. I am thinking that you may be the first to visit a place twice and NOT eat our family. OK, so you had already had lunch. Maybe they had a nice brownie for dessert? Big chocolate chip cookie perhaps?

  2. You are right--I must be losing my handle on what's most important. Eat first, take pictures later. That sounds about right.

  3. Edd, you just gotta get in there and eat you some bar bee q. Your family needs details.

  4. I knew that food would get your attention.


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