Monday, November 18, 2013

Portsmouth Village

Flue cover inside Gilgo House

In 1753 the village of Portsmouth was established on the northern end of the Core Banks of North Carolina's Outer Banks. Ocracoke Inlet was one of the most important shipping lanes for ships arriving on the coast, but the shoal waters required that deeply laden ships be unloaded into smaller shallow draft vessels to pass through the inlet. Portsmouth Village was a lightering port handling cargo passing through the inlet. In 1846, a hurricane deepened the inlet at Hatteras and shipping shifted to the north. Portsmouth Village, once the largest town on the Outer Banks, began to decline.

After the last resident left in 1971, the village became part of the Cape Lookout National Seashore. Today more than a dozen structures still stand in Portsmouth Village.

Lionel and Emma Gilgo house - circa 1926

Washington Roberts house - circa 1840


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