Thursday, March 3, 2011

Persistent leaves - Madison County, Virginia

Autumn is the season of falling leaves, but in the spring several species of deciduous trees still have dry, brown leaves ready to fall. In this area, the leaves of oak trees are conspicuously persistent, but other species keep some of their leaves through the winter as well. Biologists call this marcesence.

Does marcesence benefit the tree? There are several theories about this. Dropping leaves in the spring may provide an extra dose of organic material around the base of the tree when it is needed most. Perhaps the leaves help trap snow around the tree to retain moisture. Persistent leaves may help protect buds and tender twigs from frost, or they may deter browsing deer.

Humans persist in their efforts to understand our world and learn the lessons that nature can teach, but maybe leaves cling to the trees through winter for no reason at all. Maybe it is just the way things are.

And if I should live to be
The last leaf upon the tree
In the spring,
Let them smile, as I do now,
At the old forsaken bough
Where I cling.
Oliver Wendell Holmes - 1895


  1. They hang on til Spring so we don't forget the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. Great post Edd.

  2. Robert, I had trouble finding an ending for that post--you comment is perfect. Thanks


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