Thursday, March 15, 2012

Small Barn

Madison County, Virginia

My mother used to call scenes like this "homey looking." She grew up in country that looked very much like this and the places that we know as children seem to be permanently imprinted on us.  I stopped along the road to take this picture and thought how she would have enjoyed seeing this place. I guess we all carry around an image of home somewhere in the back of our hearts along with the memory of those we loved.


  1. Edd your idea of a homey feeling is interesting and though I grew up in the city, would get that feeling about the kind of home I remembered in my youth. I don't feel that way anymore, Maybe I'm too pragmatic.

  2. Robert, seems like the older I get, the more susceptible I am to this kind of thing. Maybe I am headed into my second childhood.

    But I do think place plays an important part in forming our memories. In a way, photography seems to me to be all about memory and place.

  3. Late winter early spring some of the best times to hit the road for some picture making.

  4. Don, couldn't agree more. This is always the most productive time of the year for me.


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