Thursday, April 26, 2012

Field Cemetery

Currituck County, North Carolina 

This is another "drive-by" picture taken from the truck on the way back from Dismal Swamp last month.

Small cemeteries like this one are scattered around this part of North Carolina, often right in the middle of an open field and planted all around. I call them "field cemeteries." Old family burial grounds, most likely, that have survived and hold on to a small plot of cropland,  plowed around and left alone, remembering those who lived on this land many years ago.


  1. We have a number of these types of cemeteries in Connecticut, and throughout New England. Some burials date from the 1600's. I've seen headstones remembering vets from the Revolutionary War. So much history...

  2. Ed, so much history indeed . . . these old cemeteries certainly have a story to tell and for every one of these burial plots that have survived, dozens have probably been lost to time and neglect.


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