Monday, July 5, 2010

Railroad graffiti - Vicksburg, Mississippi

Web Notes

Week before last during my visit to Vicksburg I was down by the waterfront when a train pulled out of the nearby yard. I was struck by how the graphic style of the graffiti on the cars seemed to draw on the pop/psychedelic aesthetic of the 1970s. Perhaps these "artists" are older than we think.

The Rip Track has a concise history of the evolution of railroad graffiti from the chalk marks left by hobos to communicate with one another, to the elaborate "pieces" that aspire to make an artistic statement.

Sister Betty represents the view that railroad graffiti may be art displayed in the world's largest traveling art gallery, and makes an interesting distinction between the graffiti of vandals and the work of graffiti "artists."

✎ On Biglittlerr there is an article reproduced from Railpace magazine condemning those who practice railroad graffiti as vandals who deface rail cars and obscure legitimate car markings.


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